CoolSmoothPRO Applicator

(Single side treatment, no weight change)
Thin your thighs at Sensational Skin in Scottsdale with the new CoolSmoothPRO Flat Panel applicator to treat thighs.
CoolSculpting with CoolSmoothPRO flat panel applicator is the only non-surgical option with FDA Clearance to treat thighs. Many woman want to feel more confident in form fitting dresses and want to decrease saddlebags on the outer thighs. At Sensational Skin, we provide powerful fat reduction on non-pinchable fat bulges (lower back fat) (middle abdomen) (thighs). CoolSculpting procedure delivers safe and effective cooling technology that eliminates stubborn fat from inner and outer thighs as well as the abdomen, flank, legs, thighs, hips, back, chest and arms. We can offer expert CoolSculpting treatment with our three machines allowing you to freeze fat away from multiple areas at once.