Get Rid of Post-Pregnancy Belly Bump with Cool Sculpting
Before your baby is born, you’re understandably proud to show off your baby bump. It’s amazing to feel a new life growing inside you. You are totally focused on the changes your body is going through as your baby — and belly — grows. Most women simply assume that their body will snap back to its pre-pregnancy shape once their baby is born. It’s frustrating to discover that your baby bump doesn’t really go away after junior pops out. Oh sure, it gets smaller, particularly if you’ve been careful about diet and exercise and kept your pregnancy weight gain low; but it’s still there.
To your horror, your baby bump has morphed into an unattractive belly bump! The post-pregnancy stomach protrusion characteristic of women who have endured the belly stretching of pregnancy has sent millions of women flocking to cosmetic surgeons for Mommy Makeovers. With a few nips and tucks plastic surgeons can trim away belly bumps and restore women’s bodies to their pre-pregnancy form.
But don’t be fooled; a Mommy Makeover is a surgical procedure that entails all the risks, pain and down-time of major surgery. Happily, Scottsdale CoolSculpting offers a smarter, safer, easier way to get rid of belly bumps that requires absolutely no down-time, allowing busy moms to return to their normal activities immediately. To find out how CoolSculpting can help you recover your pre-pregnancy figure, visit our website.