Top 3 Food Choices To Aid In Fat Reduction
If you’ve had your CoolSculpting treatment, you’re probably curious about how to maintain your results once your body rids itself of unwanted fat. We would like to share three different types of foods that will aid in fat reduction, allowing you to experience the full effect of your body sculpting treatment with CoolSculpting.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are an excellent choice because your body has to work much harder to break down the calories in fiber-rich foods such as brown rice and oatmeal. Choose whole grains over processed foods to help your body burn calories more efficiently.
Lean Meats
Your body needs protein in order to function correctly, so choosing lean meats is important. Your body burns about 30% of the calories in lean meat during digestion, so choosing something like a chicken breast (300 calories) is an excellent option.
Low-Fat Dairy
Your body also needs calcium and Vitamin D in order to build strong muscles. Stick with low-fat dairy products to give your body the tools it needs, and you’ll also aid in fat reduction.
If you have yet to speak with one of our professionals about CoolSculpting, what are you waiting for? We’ve helped so many clients achieve their fat reduction goals, and we would love to help you too. For more information, or to make your appointment, please contact us today!