Restore Your Hourglass Shape with Coolsculpting
Published on July 17, 2014 byRemember the days of your youth when you had a perfect figure? All of your clothes fit perfectly, and you never had to worry about any of them being too snug when you took them out of storage at the start of a new season. Most of us would love to get back our hourglass […]
Look Great in that New Sundress with Non Surgical Body Sculpting
Published on July 15, 2014 byLadies, one of the things we love the most about summertime is being able to wear all of the beautiful clothes we have to put away in the fall. If you’re like most women, you probably couldn’t wait to go shopping for the latest sundresses, tank tops and swimsuits this year. However, winter does have […]
Men: Look Like a Winner with Coolsculpting
Published on July 1, 2014 byWinning In today’s business world you have to look the part to get – and keep – the job. Certainly, skills and experience count; but in the dog-eat-dog business world youthful vitality and vigor provide an undeniable competitive edge. A Hint of Gray American corporations seem to be looking for only “a hint of gray” in […]
CoolSculpting is Great for Arms and Thighs
Published on May 22, 2014 byMany of our clients have done a lot of hard work on their core. For many of them, that was the easy part. They made sure they ate healthy meals and snacks, and they spent a lot of time doing aerobic exercises. Perhaps you can relate, and your abdomen shows off all of those crunches […]
Looking For A Way To Tone Your Body? CoolSculpting Is For Men And Women
Published on January 28, 2014 byNow that the new year has arrived, many people are eagerly seeking ways to get into shape. They’re trying new diet plans, joining gyms, and they’re determined that this will be a year of change. The problem is, fat cells can be stubborn, even if they’re heavily targetted during exercise. Whether you’re a man or a […]
What Are Lipotropic Injections
Published on December 24, 2013 byIn addition to non surgical body sculpting, some of our clients find that they are great candidates for Lipotropic Injections. These injections target the liver, specifically, to increase the flow of bile and fat traveling from the liver and gallbladder. How Does It Work? Lipotropic injections use the vitamin B12 along with many important amino […]
Get Non Surgical Body Sculpting In Half The Time
Published on August 27, 2013 byBetween your hectic family schedule, making sure you get in enough time at the gym, and shopping for healthy foods, you don’t have much time for anything else. Even so, working out and eating right isn’t always enough to give you the results you want for weight loss and body sculpting. Even if you lift […]